7 days siem reap cambodia itinerary

Siem Reap Cambodia 7 Days Itinerary for US 200 Dollars | Birthday Week in Cambodia

In Siem Reap, Cambodia is where I celebrated my 30th birthday without birthday cakes. So, here I am writing my 7 Days Siem Reap, Cambodia Itinerary for US$200. I changed my Baht money to US dollars from a money exchange near the MRT station in Bangkok. Doing a visa run was the main purpose of[…]

Mad Monkey Hostel Boracay – Party Time in Boracay

When I learned that I failed to get a visa, Plan B comes into mind. As a female solo traveler, I don’t want to experience the heart’s day for another disappointment. I was heartbroken, so I want to enjoy the best as possible. I need to party, I said to myself, why don’t I return[…]