Dagitab Festival Street Dancing in City of Naga, Cebu

Dagitab Festival Street Dance and Traditional Ritual Dance competition is participated by various schools in City of Naga. The dancers passed by just in front of our store so I was able to take photos of them. This was taken last December 2013, I missed it last December 23, 2014 because I was traveling for[…]

Naga – The City of Lights in the South of Cebu

http://instagram.com/p/wh-UNZwuM-/   When Naga was not yet a city eight years ago, I could not remember when the Christmas lighting started. Anyway, the photos above and below were taken using my iPad. I have several photos last 2013 using my dslr camera which I haven’t blogged about this because I was too busy. Photos below were[…]